Wednesday, November 5, 2014

New corruption methods and how they are affecting peoples lives and countries economies Part 1

Differents worlwild countries instead to innovate in order to make their economy and society become more competitive they had been innovating with the scope to find new corruptions methods and achieve their diabolic scopes without being disturbed by nobody

Due to this facts despite the classics corruption s methods are reducing in differents worldwild countries but all the negative consequences of such bad practices are increasing dramatically

Due to such innovative methods the top EU institute which have a major controle and figh corruption acts ,had declared in their official report that they had difficulties to  do their jobs  in certain EU countries and that corruption acts were linked with top level officials and some other institutes which suppose to figh and descouraje such corruption acts

Given such situation as i know that Transparency agency have some specifics ways to descourage such bad practices i had decided to send them certain documents with innovative corruption cases and abuses committed by different public institutions  which are affecting in direct mode countries and citizens from Germany ,France   ,Italy ,Great Britain , Spain ,because victims of corruption acts and abuses committed  in differents other worldwild countries in order to escape from such bad practices ,they use to adventure abroad

Unfortunatly  ,  as realities had shown when they arrive in countries as Germany ,France   ,Italy ,Great Britain , Spain where they expect to find a job they become victm of some other bad situations because as they do not find a jobs so easy in most of the cases instead to return to their coutries they rather prefer to practic prostitution trafic drogs ,become part of criminal organizations

Due to those negative consequences such bad practices is not just a problem which are affecting the country and the people where those bad things are happening but also are affecting in direct mode citizens from differents others countries because most of them become victim of crimes  in their own country
Due to the situation gravity those kind of corruption ,bad practises and abuses acts  i am going to present you in a next document are the most grave corruptions acts because it does not affect just the countries where those bad things are happening


In order to present countries as  Germany ,France   ,Italy ,Great Britain , Spain a practical example about  how things are happening  in differents EU countries and  how those things are affecting in direct mode their citizens i had  identified
a) The source of corruption
b) 3 Differents ways Europe Union is spending useless founds financiang such corruption institutions
c) How Fasciest and extremist parties can use such a bad things to make dozens of millions people both from EU and some other countries to get revolted

After this i had created a text low which can help Europe Union and differents others worldwild countries to stop once forever such corruption acts Unfortunatly  due to such innovation and some other important things which had link with my research works i had become victm of abuses  and when the corruptors had descovered that i had been creating digital science platphorma  to denounce such corruption acts ,abuses bad practices ,things had become worst ,for me  i had become victime of agressions ,and what i had considered as being a crime Things are worst that what i had presented in this introductive part I will come back with more informations about all  those issues

Until then tank you for your attention



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